Approval Criteria A. Heterozygous Familial Hypercholesterolemia and
Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease
(must meet all):
Diagnosis of one of the following (a or b):
a. ASCVD as evidenced by
a history of any one of the following conditions (i-vii):
i. Acute coronary
ii. Clinically
significant coronary heart disease (CHD) diagnosed by invasive or noninvasive
testing (such as coronary angiography, stress test using treadmill, stress
echocardiography, or nuclear imaging);
iii. Coronary or other
arterial revascularization;
iv. Myocardial
v. Peripheral arterial
disease presumed to be of atherosclerotic origin;
vi. Stable or unstable
vii. Stroke or transient
ischemic attack (TIA);
b. HeFH, and member meets
both of the following (i and ii):
i. Baseline LDL-C (prior
to any lipid-lowering pharmacologic therapy) was ≥ 190 mg/dL;
ii. HeFH diagnosis is
confirmed by one of the following (a or b):
World Health Organization
(WHO)/Dutch Lipid Network familial hypercholesterolemia diagnostic criteria
score of > 8 as determined by requesting provider;
Definite diagnosis per
Simon Broome criteria
Prescribed by or in consultation with a cardiologist, endocrinologist, or lipid
3. Age ≥ 18 years;
4. For members on statin
therapy, both of the following (a and b):
Leqvio is prescribed in
conjunction with a statin at the maximally tolerated dose;
Member has been adherent
for at least the last 4 months to maximally tolerated doses of one of the
following statin regimens (I, ii, or iii):
i. A high intensity
A moderate intensity statin, and member
has one of the following (i or ii):
a) Intolerance to two
high intensity statins;
b) A statin risk factor;
. A low intensity statin
and member has one of the following (i or ii):
a) Intolerance to one
high and one moderate intensity statins;
b) A statin risk factor
and history of intolerance to two moderate intensity statins;
3. For
members not on statin therapy, member meets one of the following (a or b):
a. Statin therapy is
b. For members who are
statin intolerant, member has tried at least two statins, one of which must be
hydrophilic (pravastatin, fluvastatin, or rosuvastatin), and member meets one of
the following (i or ii):
i. Member has documented
statin risk factors;
ii. Member is statin
intolerant due to statin-associated muscle symptoms (SAMS) and meets both of the
following (a and b):
a) Documentation of
intolerable SAMS persisting at least two weeks, which disappeared with
discontinuing the statin therapy and recurred with a statin re-challenge;
b) Documentation of
re-challenge with titration from lowest possible dose and/or intermittent dosing
frequency (e.g., 1 to 3 times weekly);
Member has been adherent to ezetimibe therapy used concomitantly with a statin
at the maximally tolerated dose for at least the last 4 months, unless
contraindicated or member has a history of ezetimibe intolerance (e.g.,
associated diarrhea or upper respiratory tract infection);
Documentation of recent (within the last 60 days) LDL-C of one of the following
(a or b):
a. ≥ 70 mg/dL for ASCVD;
b. ≥ 100 mg/dL for HeFH;
Failure of a preferred PCSK9 inhibitor, if applicable, at up to maximally
indicated doses, unless contraindicated or clinically significant adverse
effects are experienced;
*Prior authorization may be
required for PCSK9 inhibitors
Treatment plan does not include coadministration with Juxtapid®, Repatha®, or
Dose does not exceed 284 mg initially and at 3 months, then every 6 months
Approval duration: 9 months
Continued Therapy
Heterozygous Familial Hypercholesterolemia and Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular
Disease (must
meet all):
Currently receiving medication via QualChoice benefit or member has previously
met all initial approval criteria;
2. If
statin tolerant, documentation of adherence to a statin at the maximally
tolerated dose;
Member is responding positively to therapy as evidenced by lab results within
the last 3 months showing an LDL-C reduction since initiation of Leqvio therapy;
4. If
request is for a dose increase, new dose does not exceed 284 mg every 6 months.
Approval duration: 12 months
Used In This BI:
J1306 – Injection, inclisiran, 1mg