The following knee braces are
covered by QualChoice as outlined below:
Knee orthosis with joints
(L1810, L1812) or knee orthosis with condylar pads and joints with or without
patellar control (L1820) is considered medically necessary for:
Members who are
ambulatory AND
Have weakness or
deformity of the knee AND
Require stabilization.
Knee orthosis with a
locking knee joint (L1831) or a rigid knee orthosis
(L1836) is considered medically necessary
Flexion or extension
contractures of the knee with movement on passive range of motion testing of at
least 10 degrees (i.e., a non-fixed contracture).
Knee immobilizer without
joints (L1830), a knee orthosis with adjustable knee joints (L1832, L1833), or a
knee orthosis with an adjustable flexion and extension joint that provides both
medial–lateral and rotation control (L1843, L1845, L1851, L1852), is considered
medically necessary for:
A recent (within 3 weeks)
injury OR
Post-operative surgical
procedure on the knee(s).
(L1850) Knee orthosis,
Swedish type, prefabricated is covered for:
A member who is
ambulatory and has knee instability due to genu recurvatum - hyperextended knee.
The following knee
orthoses require documentation of knee instability and joint laxity on physical
examination (e.g., varus/valgus instability, anterior/posterior Drawer test):
(L-1832) Knee orthosis
with adjustable knee joints, positional orthosis, rigid support, prefabricated
item that has been customized to fit the patient by an individual with
(L1833) Knee orthosis
with adjustable knee joints, positional orthosis, rigid support, prefabricated,
(L1843) Knee orthosis,
single upright, thigh and calf, with adjustable flexion and extension joint,
medial-lateral and rotation control, with/without varus/valgus adjustment,
prefabricated item that has been customized to fit the patient by an individual
with expertise;
(L 18450)Knee orthosis,
double upright, thigh and calf, with adjustable flexion and extension joint,
medial-lateral and rotation control, with/without varus/valgus adjustment,
prefabricated item that has been customized to fit the patient by an individual
with expertise;
(L1850) Knee orthosis,
Swedish type, prefabricated off-the-shelf;
Knee orthosis, single
upright, thigh and calf, with adjustable flexion and extension joint,
medial-lateral and rotation control, with/without varus/valgus adjustment,
prefabricated, off-the-shelf;
L1852) Knee orthosis,
double upright, thigh and calf, with adjustable flexion and extension joint,
medial-lateral and rotation control, with/without varus/valgus adjustment,
prefabricated, off-the-shelf.
Custom–fabricated knee
braces (L1834, L1840, L1844, L1846, L1860) require prior authorization and are
covered as outlined below:
Member is ambulatory AND
There is deformity of the
leg or knee such that a prefabricated brace cannot be used, AND
Member’s exact
measurements of thigh and calf are submitted.
Additions to the knee
braces–(L2385) straight knee joint, heavy–duty, each joint is considered
medically necessary when:
The coverage criteria for
the base orthosis code is met AND
The member weighs more
than 300lbs.
Additions to the
custom fabricated knee braces and are considered
medically necessary when:
The member meets the criteria for a custom-fabricated knee brace AND
Either daily activity level requires a brace designed for high
impact/high stress activities, OR
The member weighs greater than 250 pounds.
9) The following are examples of non-covered knee orthotics:
- (l1847)
Knee orthosis, double upright with adjustable joint, with inflatable air
support chamber, prefabricated item that has been trimmed, bent, molded,
assembled, or otherwise customized to fit a specific patient by an
individual with expertise;
- (L1848)
Knee orthosis, double upright with adjustable joint, with inflatable air
support chamber(s), prefabricated, off-the-shelf;
10) The following additions
to knee braces are considered part of base orthotic and therefore are
not separately payable
(K0672, L2780, L2820, L2830) :
(K0672) Addition to lower extremity orthotic, removable soft interface,
all components, replacement only, each;
(L2780) Addition to lower extremity orthotic, noncorrosive finish, per
- (L2820)
Addition to lower extremity orthotic, soft interface for molded plastic,
below knee section;
- (L2830)
Addition to lower extremity orthotic, soft interface for molded plastic,
above knee section.
(L2840) Addtn to lower extremity orthotic, tibial length sock, fracture
or equal, ea
- (L2850)
Addtn to lower extremity orthotic, femoral length sock, fracture or
equal, ea
Used In This BI:
Addtn to lower extremity orthotic, removable soft interface, all
components, rplcmt only, ea
Knee orthosis, elastic w/joints, prefabricated item that has been
customized to fit a specific patient by an indiv w/expertise
Knee orthosis, elastic w/joints, prefabricated, off-the-shelf
Knee orthotic, elastic w/condylar pads & joints, w/or w/out control,
prefabricated, incl fitting & adjust
Knee orthosis, immobilizer, canvas longitudinal, prefabricated,
Knee orthotic, locking knee joint(s), positional orthotic, prefabricated,
incl fitting & adjust
Knee orthosis, adjustable knee joints (unicentric or polycentric),
positional orthosis, rigid support, prefabricated item that has been customized
to fit a specific patient by an indiv w/expertise
Knee orthosis, adjustable knee joints (unicentric or polycentric),
positional orthosis, and rigid support, prefabricated, off-the-shelf
Knee orthotic (KO), w/out knee joint, rigid, and custom fabricated
Knee orthosis, rigid, w/out joint(s), includes soft interface material,
prefabricated, off-the-shelf
Knee orthotic (KO), derotation, medial-lateral, anterior cruciate
ligament, custom fabricated
Knee orthosis, single upright, thigh, & calf, w/adjust flexion &
extension joint (unicentric or polycentric), medial-lateral & rotation control,
w/ or w/out varus/valgus adjust, prefabricated item that has been customized to
fit a specific patient by an indiv w/ expertise
Knee orthotic (KO), single upright, thigh & calf, w/adjust flexion &
extension joint (unicentric or polycentric), medial-lateral & rotation control,
w/ or w/out varus/valgus adjust, custom fabricated
Knee orthosis, double upright, thigh & calf, w/adjust flexion & extension
joint (unicentric or polycentric), medial-lateral & rotation control, w/ or
w/out varus/valgus adjust, prefabricated item that has been customized to fit a
specific patient by an indiv w/ expertise
Knee orthotic, double upright, thigh & calf, w/adjust flexion & extension
joint (unicentric or polycentric), medial-lateral & rotation control, w/ or
w/out varus/valgus adjust, custom fabricated
Knee orthosis, double upright w/adjust joint, w/inflatable air support
chamber(s), prefabricated item that has been customized to fit a specific
patient by an indiv w/ expertise
Knee orthosis, double upright w/adjust joint, w/inflatable air support
chamber(s), prefabricated, off-the-shelf
Knee orthosis, Swedish type, prefabricated, off-the-shelf
Knee orthosis (KO), single upright, thigh & calf, w/adjust flexion &
extension joint (unicentric or polycentric), medial-lateral & rotation control,
w/ or w/out varus/valgus adjust, prefabricated, off-the-shelf
Knee orthosis (KO), double upright, thigh & calf, w/adjust flexion &
extension joint (unicentric or polycentric), medial-lateral & rotation control,
w/ or w/out varus/valgus adjust, prefabricated, off-the-shelf
Knee orthotic (KO), modification of supracondylar prosthetic socket,
custom fabricated
Ankle-foot orthosis (AFO), spiral, (Institute of Rehabilitative Medicine
type), plastic, custom fabricated
Addtn to lower extremity, straight knee joint, heavy-duty, ea joint
Addtn to lower extremity, offset knee joint, each joint
Addtn to lower extremity, offset knee joint, heavy-duty, ea joint
Addtn to lower extremity orthotic, suspension sleeve
Addtn to knee joint, drop lock, each
Addtn to knee lock with integrated release mechanism
Addtn to knee joint, disc or dial lock for adjustable knee flexion
Addtn to knee joint, ratchet lock for active and progressive knee
extension, each
Addtn to knee joint, lift loop for drop lock ring
Addtn to lower extremity orthotic, plating chrome or nickel, per bar
Addtn to lower extremity orthotic, high strength, lightweight material,
all hybrid lamination/prepreg composite, per segment, for custom fabricated
orthotic only
Addtn to orthotics extension per bar for Lineal adjustment for growth
Addition to lower extremity orthosis,
noncorrosive finish, per bar
Addition to lower extremity orthosis, drop lock
retainer, each
Addition to lower extremity orthosis, knee
control, full kneecap
Addition to lower extremity orthosis, knee
control, knee cap, medial or lateral pull, for use with custom fabricated
orthosis only
Addition to lower extremity orthosis, knee
control, condylar pad
Addtn to lower extremity orthotic, soft interface for molded plastic,
below knee section
Addtn to lower extremity orthotic, soft interface for molded plastic,
above knee section
Addtn to lower extremity orthotic, tibial length sock, fracture or equal,
Addtn to lower extremity orthotic, femoral length sock, fracture or
equal, ea