Effective Date: 03/24/2005 |
Title: Continuous Glucose Monitoring
Revision Date: 07/01/2023
Document: BI096:00
CPT Code(s): A9276, A9277, A9278, S1030, S1031, 95249, 95250, 95251
Public Statement
Effective Date:
This policy will apply to
all services performed on or after the above Revision date which will become the
new effective date.
For all services referred
to in this policy that were performed before the revision date, contact customer
service for the rules that would apply.
Requests for Continuous
Glucose Monitors and their supplies other than Freestyle LIbre and Dexcom
systems require prior authorization. All PA requests for CGM are reviewed by QualChoice.
Dexcom and Freestyle
Libre systems/supplies are preferred products covered under the pharmacy benefit
at Tier 2 (only for members using the QualChoice contracted PBM). All other CGM
system/supplies (including Minimed) are non-preferred products, requiring PA,
and are not covered under the pharmacy benefit.
The Pre-authorization
requests for continuous glucose monitoring require submission by the ordering
provider (information on vendor request forms is not acceptable).
The GlucoWatch,
non-invasive glucose monitoring system, is not covered.
Medical Statement
for Continuous Glucose Monitors and their supplies other than Freestyle Libre
and Dexcom systems require prior authorization.
All PA requests for CGM are reviewed by QualChoice.
1. Dexcom and Freestyle
Libre systems/supplies are preferred products and are covered under the pharmacy
benefit (for members using the QualChoice contracted PBM).
All other CGM system/supplies (including Minimed) are non-preferred and
not covered under the pharmacy benefit. Long term continuous therapeutic glucose
monitoring is considered medically necessary DME for members meeting all the
following criteria: Diagnosis of diabetes (either Type 1 or Type 2)
Use a home blood glucose
monitor (BGM) and conduct four or more daily BGM tests
Currently treated with
insulin with multiple daily injections (at least 3) or a constant subcutaneous
insulin pump
Require frequent
adjustments of the insulin treatment regimen, based on CGM test results
Used In This BI:
Sensor, for CGMS
Transmitter, external, for CGMS
Receiver, external, for adjunctive, short-term CGMS
Receiver (monitor), dedicated for use with therapeutic glucose continuing
monitor (new code 7/1/17)
Gluc monitor purchase
Gluc monitor rental
GlucoWatch Biographer (Cygnus Inc., Redwood
City, CA.), a glucose meter that is worn on the wrist, is considered
experimental and investigational.
Additional software or hardware required for
downloading data from blood glucose monitors to computers for the management of
diabetes mellitus is considered convenience and is not covered.
Transmitters for
Continuous Glucose Monitors are limited to two every 12 months. Any additional
transmitter requests will require documentation of transmitter malfunction by
the ordering provider.
The Continuous Glucose Monitoring System (CGMS) (MiniMed) and the
upgraded version, the Guardian CGMS, consists of a subcutaneously implanted
sensor that is attached to a small plastic disk the size of a dime and is taped
to the skin to hold the sensor in place. A thin wire connects the sensor to a
pager-sized glucose monitor, which records and stores glucose values in memory.
An electrical signal is continuously relayed to the glucose sensor, which
records glucose levels every 5 minutes, some 288 values per day. For calibration
purposes, the manufacturer recommends that the patient enter the results of four
finger stick blood glucose measurements per day into the monitor. For the
Guardian CGMS, it is recommended that the device be calibrated with finger stick
blood glucose levels every 12 hours at a minimum. The CGMS sensors are capable
of transmitting values for up to three days, after which time the sensor must be
removed and replaced with another by the patient, if additional monitoring is
needed. The Guardian CGMS can store up to 21 days of data. The data captured in
the monitor can be downloaded to a personal computer for review and used by a
physician or the patient. Unlike the GlucoWatch, the glucose values are not
displayed on these systems. However, the Guardian CGMS features an audible alarm
that sounds when glucose levels become too high or too low per parameters set by
the patient and the physician. The alarm is intended to prompt the patient to
perform a finger stick blood glucose measurement since a level is not provided
with the sounding of the alarm.
The FDA approved labeling for the Continuous Glucose Monitoring
System (CGMS) states in part: The CGMS is currently intended for occasional
rather than everyday use, and is to be used only as a supplement to, and not a
replacement for, standard invasive measurement. The CGMS is not intended to
change patient management based on the numbers generated, but to guide future
management of the patient based on response to trends noticed. That is, these
trends or patterns may be used to suggest when to take the fingerstick glucose
measurements to better manage the patients.
Additional devices now have FDA approval. The iPro Professional CGM
(Medtronic). The FreeStyle Navigator CGM System (Abbott) was approved in March
2008. The sensor for this device can be worn on the back of the upper arm or on
the abdomen. As with other CGM devices, information for this device also notes
”Before adjusting therapy for diabetes management based on the results and
alarms from the FreeStyle Navigator system, traditional blood glucose tests must
be performed.” The FreeStyle Navigator system is no longer being offered or
supported in the United States. The
Paradigm REAL-Time System and Guardian REAL-Time System (Pediatric Versions)
(Medtronic, Mini Med) were approved by the FDA in March 2007. These are
pediatric versions of previously approved devices. The approval of these devices
includes the wording “All therapy adjustments should be based on measurements
obtained using a home glucose monitor and not on the sensor glucose readings ….”
This approval was based on the concordance of glucose results between those
obtained with the sensor and with a glucose meter. The Paradigm system consists
of an insulin infusion pump, the glucose sensor, and a transmitter.
Goldstein DE, Little RR, Lorenz RA, et al.
American Diabetes
Association. Position statement: Tests of glycemia in diabetes. ADA Clinical
Practice Recommendations 2003. Diabetes Care. 2003; 26 (suppl. 1):
S106-S108. Available at:
MiniMed, Inc. MiniMed Web: The
MiniMed Continuous
Glucose Monitoring System (CGMS). Sylmar, CA: MiniMed Inc.; 2000. Available
at: http://www.minimed.com/files/cgms_web.htm.
Gerritsen M, Jansen JA, Kros A, et al. Performance of subcutaneously
implanted glucose sensors: A review. J Invest Surg. 1998; 11(3):163-174.
American Diabetes Association. Standards of medical care for patients with
diabetes mellitus. Diabetes Care. 1999; 22(suppl. 1):S32-S41.
Gin H, Catargi B, Rigalleau V, et al. Experience with the Biostator for
diagnosis and assisted surgery of 21 insulinomas. Eur J Endocrinol. 1998;
Tamada JA, Garg S, Jovanovic L, et al.
Noninvasive glucose
monitoring: Comprehensive clinical results. Cygnus Research Team. JAMA.
1999; 282(19):1839-1844.
Garg SK, Potts RO, Ackerman NR, et al. Correlation of fingerstick blood
glucose measurements with GlucoWatch biographer glucose results in young
subjects with type 1 diabetes. Diabetes Care. 1999; 22(10):1708-1714.
Cygnus, Inc. GlucoWatch® Biographer. Redwood City, CA: Cygnus; 2000.
Available at: http://www.cygn.com/glucowatch.html.
American Diabetes Association. Statement from the American Diabetes
Association Regarding the FDA Advisory Committee`s Recommendations on
GlucoWatch. Alexandria, VA: American Diabetes Association; December 7, 1999.
Taking charge of diabetes. Self-care is crucial -- and widely neglected.
Consumer Reports. 2001; 66(10):34-38.
Jungheim K, Koschinsky T. Risk delay of hypoglycemia testing by glucose
monitoring at the arm. Diabetes Care. 2001; 24(7):1303-1306.
Fineberg SE, Bergenstal RM, Bernstein RM, et al.
Use of automated device for alternative site blood glucose monitoring.
Diabetes Care. 2001; 24(7):1217-1220.
The Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation Continuous Glucose Monitoring
Study Group.
Continuous glucose monitoring and intensive treatment
of type 1 diabetes; NEJM; Oct 2, 2008
Beck RW, et al. Continuous Glucose Monitoring Versus Usual Care in Patients
With Type 2 Diabetes Receiving Multiple Daily Insulin Injections:
A Randomized Trial. Ann Intern Med.
Effective 07/01/2017:
Added new code and language distinguishing between adjunctive, short-term
CGM and therapeutic, long-term CGM. Added clarifying verbiage that Continuous
Glucose Monitor requests will need to be submitted by ordering provider office
along with provider’s clinic progress notes. Requests from Vendors or on vendor
request forms will not be accepted.
Effective 01/01/2018:
Transmitters for Continuous Glucose Monitors are limited to two every 12 months.
Any additional transmitter requests require documentation of transmitter
malfunction by the ordering provider and prior authorization.
Effective 1/1/2018:
2018 Code Updates. Updated Claim Statement section & Codes Used in
This BI section to reflect revised CPT/HCPCS codes. The following codes were
revised 1/1/18: 95250 & 95251.
Effective 4/18/2018: Added information/reference showing
CGM doesn’t improve outcomes with T2DM.
Effective 10/01/2020:
Updated coverage criteria of Dexcom and Freestyle Libre as preferred products
covered under the pharmacy benefit; noted Minimed as non-preferred product.
Effective 01/01/2022:
Removed PA requirement reference for Freestyle Libre and Dexcom.
Effective 06/01/2023:
PA requirement for short-term CGM codes.
Effective 07/01/2023:
that K0553 and K0554 were deleted as of 12/31/2022.
Application to Products
This policy applies to all health plans administered by QualChoice, both those insured by QualChoice and those that are self-funded by the sponsoring employer, unless there is indication in this policy otherwise or a stated exclusion in your medical plan booklet. Consult the individual plan sponsor Summary Plan Description (SPD) for self-insured plans or the specific Evidence of Coverage (EOC) for those plans insured by QualChoice. In the event of a discrepancy between this policy and a self-insured customer’s SPD or the specific QualChoice EOC, the SPD or EOC, as applicable, will prevail. State and federal mandates will be followed as they apply.
Changes: QualChoice reserves the right to alter, amend, change or supplement benefit interpretations as needed.