Effective Date:01/01/2017 |
Title:Telemedicine Payment Policy
Revision Date:05/11/2023
CPT Code(s):0780, 90785, 90791, 90792, 90832-90834, 90836-90840,90863, 90951-90962, 99202-99205, 99211-99215, 99285, G2010, G2012, Q3014, 0607T, 0608T
Public Statement
Effective Date:
This policy will apply to
all services performed on or after the above revision date which will become the
new effective date.
For all services referred
to in this policy that were performed before the revision date, there is no
Telemedicine is the use of electronic information and communication technology
to deliver healthcare services, including without limitation the assessment,
diagnosis, consultation, treatment, education, care management, and
self-management of a patient. It includes store-and-forward technology and
remote patient monitoring. Telemedicine visit requires a two-way, HIPAA
compliant audio and video telecommunication system. A
telemedicine visit involves an exchange between a patient and a provider at
geographically different locations.
Originating Site is any location where the patient is located during provision
of telemedicine services
Intraoperative Neurophysiologic Monitoring is not covered. Please refer to
BI381 for
Intraoperative Neurophysiologic Monitoring.
Remote monitoring of an external continuous pulmonary fluid monitoring
system is not covered.
Medical Statement
Coverage for Telemedicine services requires ALL of the following:
The service is one
which is allowed for the specific provider type when done in a face-to-face
setting, and can be safely and effectively performed via telemedicine.
A Presenter may be
available at the Originating Site to orient the patient, operate the
equipment, problem solve, and gather data.
The member does not
have to be physically at a hospital
facility or provider’s office during the telemedicine visit.
The telemedicine
provider has a professional relationship with the member. A professional
relationship exists if:
The healthcare
professional has previously conducted an in-person examination or personally
knows the member and the member`s relevant health status through an ongoing
personal or professional relationship and is available to provide appropriate
follow-up care, when necessary, at medically necessary intervals.
The treatment is provided
by a healthcare professional in
consultation with, or upon referral by, another healthcare professional
who has an ongoing relationship with the member and who has agreed to supervise
the member`s treatment, including follow-up care;
An on-call or
cross-coverage arrangement exists with the patient`s regular treating healthcare
professional or another healthcare professional who has established a
professional relationship with the patient;
A relationship exists in
other circumstances as defined by
the Arkansas State
Medical Board for healthcare professionals.
A relationship exists in
other circumstances as defined by
licensing or
certification board for other healthcare professionals, if the rules are not
less restrictive than the rules of the Arkansas State Medical Board;
The existence of a professional relationship is
not required in Emergency
situations where the life or health of the patient is in danger or
imminent danger
or providing generic information.
The encounter for telemedicine visit requires following:
A clinical record of the encounter which contains at least the same
elements as are included in a face-to-face encounter record is maintained; the
location of the Originating Site and Distant Site, along with the date and time
of the connection must be recorded in the note and available on request
For visits which include a physical exam, the equipment allows for
remote examination by the provider (e.g. stethoscope, otoscope, etc. giving a
diagnostic-quality signal to the provider) OR a qualified, licensed person
capable of performing the exam supplements the examination and relays the
findings to the provider.
Data transmission must be accomplished using a HIPAA-compliant
network, with sufficient bandwidth and screen resolution to permit adequate
interaction with the patient and assessment of behavioral and physical features.
The network must maintain a log of connections, with time, date, and duration.
The Distant Site provider must be licensed as required by the
appropriate state`s Medical Board. The Distant Site provider must be an
allopathic or osteopathic physician, except in the case of behavioral
health/mental health services, in which case, the provider must be a licensed
clinical social worker, licensed psychologist, licensed professional counselor,
Certified Nurse Practitioners or Clinical Nurse Specialists or a licensed
allopathic or osteopathic physician.
The provider
at the Distant Site and the provider or facility at the Originating Site has
completed trainings and has Certification for providing Telemedicine services by
a nationally or locally recognized organization, such as The American
Telemedicine Association or Arkansas eLink.
Telemedicine: Is the use of
electronic information and communication technology to deliver healthcare
services, including without limitation the assessment, diagnosis, consultation,
treatment, education, care management, and self-management of a patient.
Telemedicine includes store-and-forward technology and remote patient
"Telemedicine" does not include the use of:
Audio-only communication, including
without limitation interactive audio;
A facsimile machine;
Text messaging; or
Electronic mail systems
patient monitoring: Use of synchronous or asynchronous electronic information
and communication technology to collect personal health information and medical
data from a patient at an originating site that is transmitted to a healthcare
professional at a distant site for use in the treatment and management of
medical conditions that require frequent monitoring;
Store-and-forward technology: Is the asynchronous transmission of a patient`s
medical information from a healthcare professional at an originating site to a
healthcare professional at a distant site;
Synchronous: A term used to describe interactive
video connections, indicating that the transmission of information in both
directions is occurring at the same time (synchronously).
Asynchronous: A term used to describe store and
forward transmission of medical images or information, because the transmission
typically occurs in one direction at a time. An example would be sending a
photograph to a specialist, who will subsequently provide an interpretation to
the sender.
Distant Site: Also called the “Hub” or
“Consultant” site. The Distant Site is defined as the site where the
provider/specialist is physically located during an encounter with a patient who
is at the Originating Site.
Originating Site:
Also called the “Patient” site. The Originating Site is defined as the location
of the patient during the telemedicine services encounter.
Presenter: Telemedicine encounters require the
Distant Site provider to perform an exam of a patient from many miles away. In
order to accomplish that task, an individual trained in the use of the equipment
must be available at the Originating Site of a medical visit to “present” the
patient, manage the cameras, and perform any “hands-on” activities as necessary
to successfully complete the exam.
Coding Guidelines:
The provider
at the Distant Site must submit claims for telemedicine services using the
appropriate CPT or HCPCS code for the professional service delivered, along with
the telemedicine
modifier 95, “Synchronous Telemedicine Service Rendered via a Real-Time
Interactive Audio and Video Telecommunications System.” The provider must also
use Place of Service 02 (Telemedicine Distant Site) when billing CPT codes with
a modifier 95.
The Originating Site must submit claims for the facility for
telemedicine services using HCPCS code Q3014, “Telehealth Originating Site
facility fee.” Code Q3014 must be submitted for the same date of service as the
professional code and it must indicate the physical location of the facility
where the member was at the time of the telemedicine encounter. In the case of a
member with end-stage renal disease and the place of service is Home, code Q3014
does not apply and should not be submitted.
The claim for Q3014 should name a provider who is responsible for
care of the member at the Originating Site rather than the name of a facility.
However, this provider is not required to be present in the Originating Site at
the time of the visit. For telemedicine visits where the Originating Site is in
the hospital setting, the claim may be submitted as an outpatient hospital
claim. All other Originating Sites must file claims for Q3014 using the HCFA1500
claim form. For inpatient services, Q3014 is not separately reimbursable.
90847 Family Counseling is only covered for CHI members via
Used In This BI:
REV Code for TeleHealth Site Fee
Interactive complexity
Psychiatric diagnostic evaluation
Psychiatric diagnostic evaluation w/medical svcs
Psychotherapy, 30 mn w/patient
Psychotherapy, 30 mn w/patient when performed w/an E/M svc
Psychotherapy, 45 mn w/patient
Psychotherapy, 45 mn w/patient when performed w/an E/M svc
Psychotherapy, 60 mn w/patient
Psychotherapy, 60 mn w/patient when performed w/an E/M svc
Psychotherapy for crisis; first 60 mn
ea addt’l 30
Pharmacologic mgmt, incl prescr & rvw of medication, when perf
w/psychotherapy svcs
ESRD related svcs mthly, patients <2 yrs to incl monitoring for
nutrition, assess of grwth & dvlpmnt, counslng of parents; w/4 or more
face-to-face visits by a physician or othr qual hlth care prof per mth
w/2 - 3
face-to-face visits by a physician or othr qual hlth care prof per mth
face-to-face visit by a physician or othr qual hlth care prof per mth
ESRD related svcs mthly, patients 2 - 11 yrs to incl monitoring for
nutrition, assess of grwth & dvlpmnt, counslng of parents; w/4 or more
face-to-face visits by a physician or othr qual hlth care prof per mth
w/2 - 3
face-to-face visits by a physician or othr qual hlth care prof per mth
face-to-face visit by a physician or othr qual hlth care prof per mth
ESRD related svcs mthly, patients 12 - 19 yrs to incl monitoring for
nutrition, assess of grwth & dvlpmnt, counslng of parents; w/4 or more
face-to-face visits by a physician or othr qual hlth care prof per mth
w/2 - 3
face-to-face visits by a physician or othr qual hlth care prof per mth
face-to-face visit by a physician or othr qual hlth care prof per mth
ESRD related svcs mthly, patients age 20 yrs and older to incl
monitoring for nutrition, assess of grwth & dvlpmnt, counslng of
parents; w/4 or more face-to-face visits by a physician or othr qual
hlth care prof per mth
w/2 - 3
face-to-face visits by a physician or othr qual hlth care prof per mth
face-to-face visit by a physician or othr qual hlth care prof per mth
Ofc or other outpt vst for the eval/mgt of a new
pt, which requires a medically appropriate history and/or exam and
straightforward mdm. When using time for code selection, 15-29 min of
total time is spent on the date of the encounter. (code revised eff
Ofc or other outpt vst for the eval/mgt of a new
pt, which requires a medically appropriate history and/or exam and low
level of mdm. When using time for code selection, 30-44 min of total
time is spent on the date of the encounter. (code revised eff
Ofc or other outpt vst for the eval/mgt of a new
pt, which requires a medically appropriate history and/or exam and
moderate level of mdm. When using time for code selection, 45-59 min of
total time is spent on the date of the encounter (code revised eff
Ofc or other outpt vst for the eval/mgt of a new
pt, which requires a medically appropriate history and/or exam and high
level of mdm. When using time for code selection, 60-74 min of total
time is spent on the date of the encounter. (code revised eff
Ofc or other outpt vst for the eval/mgt of an est
pt, that may not require the presence of a physician or other qualified
health care professional. Usually, the presenting problem(s) are
minimal. (code revised eff 01-01-2021)
Ofc or other outpt vst for the eval/mgt of an est
pt, which requires a medically appropriate history and/or exam and
straightforward mdm. When using time for code selection, 10-19 min of
total time is spent on the date of the encounter. (code revised eff
Ofc or other outpt vst for the eval/mgt of an est
pt, which requires a medically appropriate history and/or exam and low
level of mdm. When using time for code selection, 20-29 min of total
time is spent on the date of the encounter. (code revised eff
Ofc or other outpt vst for the eval/mgt of an est
pt, which requires a medically appropriate history and/or exam and
moderate level of mdm. When using time for code selection, 30-39 min of
total time is spent on the date of the encounter. (code revised eff
Ofc or other outpt vst for the eval/mgt of an est
pt, which requires a medically appropriate history and/or exam and high
level of mdm. When using time for code selection, 40-54 min of total
time is spent on the date of the encounter (code revised eff 01-01-2021)
Emergency dept visit for the eval/mgmt of a patient; High MDM
Rem eval of rec video or image (store & fwd) w interp & f/u w pt in
24 hrs
Brief (5-10 min) remote, tech-based communication w est pt.
Telehealth originating site facility fee
Remote monitoring of an external continuous pulmonary fluid
monitoring system, including measurement of radiofrequency-derived
pulmonary fluid levels, heart rate, respiration rate, activity, posture,
and cardiovascular rhythm (eg, ECG data), transmitted to a remote
24-hour attended surveillance center; set-up and patient education on
use of equipment (new code 7/1/2020): E/I
Remote monitoring of an external continuous pulmonary fluid
monitoring system, including measurement of radiofrequency-derived
pulmonary fluid levels, heart rate, respiration rate, activity, posture,
and cardiovascular rhythm (eg, ECG data), transmitted to a remote
24-hour attended surveillance center; analysis of data received and
transmission of reports to the physician or other qualified health care
professional (new code 7/1/2020): E/I
The following services are not covered:
monitoring as an adjunct to intensive care unit services.
Services which are, by definition, hands-on, such as surgery,
interventional radiology, coronary angiography, anesthesia, and endoscopy.
Use of Telemedicine services for providing Applied Behavioral
analysis (refer to BI 322), Psychological testing (refer to BI174) and
Neuropsychological testing (refer to BI005) is not covered.
Any other
telehealth or telemedicine services not meeting the above criteria.
monitoring of external continuous pulmonary fluid monitoring system
Evaluation and management services of the highest level (e.g.
99205, 99215, and 99285) are not covered when performed by telemedicine, because
these require a level of interaction not possible by telemedicine.
90847 Family Counseling
is only covered for CHI members via Telemedicine.
Professional relationship does not include a relationship between a healthcare
professional and a patient established only by the following:
(1) An
internet questionnaire;
(2) An
email message;
Patient-generated medical history;
Audio-only communication, including without limitation interactive audio;
Text messaging;
(6) A
facsimile machine; or
Any combination thereof
Arkansas Code A.C.A. 17-80-118
Effective 01/01/2018: Updated definitions of Originator site per AR Law
update, Place of service 02 (home) can be used as the originator site for any
telemedicine visit irrespective of the diagnosis. Modifiers GT or 95 can be used
with telemedicine visits.
Effective 01/01/2018: Use of Telemedicine
services for providing Applied Behavioral analysis (refer to BI 322),
Psychological testing (refer to BI174) and Neuropsychological testing (refer to
BI005) is not covered. Providers
are required to submit, one time, a signed Telemedicine Attestation form to
QualChoice in order to be reimbursed for telemedicine services.
Effective 01/01/2018: Added new codes.
Effective 07/01/2020:
Added new E/I codes (0607T, 0608T)
Effective 01/01/2021:
Deleted code 99201 and replaced by 99202.
Updated revised codes 99202, 99203, 99204, 99205, 99211, 99212, 99213,
99214 & 99215.
Effective 5/11/2023:
Removed requirement to submit a telemedicine attestation.
Application to Products
This policy applies to all health plans administered by QualChoice, both those insured by QualChoice and those that are self-funded by the sponsoring employer, unless there is indication in this policy otherwise or a stated exclusion in your medical plan booklet. Consult the individual plan sponsor Summary Plan Description (SPD) for self-insured plans or the specific Evidence of Coverage (EOC) for those plans insured by QualChoice. In the event of a discrepancy between this policy and a self-insured customer’s SPD or the specific QualChoice EOC, the SPD or EOC, as applicable, will prevail. State and federal mandates will be followed as they apply.
Changes: QualChoice reserves the right to alter, amend, change or supplement benefit interpretations as needed.